Wanna maintain your LED neon signs in the best condition? And have no idea to do that? Let NeonGrand suggest you some useful tips recognized by our well-experienced Neon Sign craftsman below.
Tip 1: Put LED Neon Signs in a right place
You might have an idea to install a LED neon sign in a specific location before making a decision to purchase it from a seller. Just make sure that this location is virtually secure with anyone and other people won't be able to bump on it. One more thing is that site devoids external influences, such as excessive heat and wetness. Doing so will help you avoid uncontrolled disasters.

Tip 2: Keep LED Neon Signs clean
Your led signs will need to be cleaned frequently, at least two times a week. The signs collect dust and must be cleaned. When cleaning, you should turn off the lights and unplug to make sure you are safe. What's more? It is the best idea to use a dry tissue and add some alcohol to it to clean your led neon signs. Doing so will make your neon signs look shiny and easier to remove the dust than water.Tip 3: Remove LED Neon Signs' plug only as necessary
That sounds quite weird!!! But if you wanna your Led neon signs not to be harmed, you should always leave them plugged. The signage transformer is subjected to wear and tear as a result of your actions. The led signs will last a long time if you don't interfere with them. If you must unplug, do so only as repairing or cleaning. If you leave your led signs on, you won't have to worry about energy bills. They work with less electricity, this technology is efficient.Tip 4: Ensure LED Neon Signs kept away from Bugs
Especially be noticed, if your neon sign is placed outdoors, its light will attract many bugs around. These insects will harm your lights if you don't find a way to get rid of them. The growth of colonies bugs will make the signage be blocked its light view. It's better for you to either clean the signage frequently or install electric bug zappers to eliminate pesky bugs away from your Led neon signs.
How To Maintain Outdoor Neon Signs?
Outdoor neon signs are designed to be hung outdoors, however, it's so important to take some precautions to protect it from damage to ensure long use and efficiency. Besides 4 tips we mentioned above, you may consider some more tips to maintain your signs always in good condition:
1. Mount Your Sign At A Suitable Place
While outdoor neon signs are water resistant, if you live in an area that usually experiences strong winds, heavy rain or snow storms, you should mount your signs in a place that is secure enough to keep your sign stay for a long time.
2. Keep The Accessories Dry
Although your neon sign is waterproof, the cords, adapters, and led controller are not. Make sure to keep them dry to avoid any potential damage or malfunction.
In addition, our standard package will come with 2-meter cord. If you need it to be longer enough to put the adapter and led controller inside, don't hesitate to let us know!
3. Do Not Remove The Button Cover And Silicone Layer
The button cover and silicone layer are important to keep your sign waterpoof. So please do not remove them.
4. Inspect Your Sign Regularly
Inspect your neon sign on a regular basis for indicators of damage, such as cracks or broken led strips. If you spot any damage, it's critical to have it repaired as quickly as possible to avoid more damage and keep the waterproofing intact.
To get more knowledge about LED Neon Signs, don't hesitate to give NeonGrand your subscription to receive the newest update of new neon sign styles and trends.
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